Western Oklahoma author, retired Marine Corps officer, and Cumberland Presbyterian minister Tom Spence , will be selling and signing his books at the Covenant Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Ada, Oklahoma from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Friday, 14 October 2016. His newest release is Acceptance of Authority . Shouldn’t he be doing this in a bookstore? Tom has been featured in bookstores and coffee shops in several states but this time he is conducting a fundraiser for the Red River Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The General Assembly of this denomination of about 100, 000 will be hosted in Norman, Oklahoma in 2018 by the Choctaw and Red River Presbyteries. Tom is donating 100% of all proceeds from this book signing to the Red River Presbytery to support this gathering. Tom will have a variety of his books published by Tate Publishing . Two of the most hard-hitting books, especially for those in western Oklahoma, are Throw Away Kids an...
This is a page of events and comments for the author Tom Spence. Keep up with book signings, news releases, and promotional videos at this site. (Photo: Tom Spence 1986 - Somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea.) Note: Tate Publishing is out of business, but most of Tom's titles are available in self-published format at Amazon.com